One of the first friendly faces a new resident of The Carrington at Lincolnwood encounters upon move-in is that of Marv Weisenberg. Marv and his wife Sandy moved from Evanston, IL in 2018 and since then Marv has become the chairman of the community’s Welcoming Committee. As you would expect, he’s in the know when it comes to the WHO and WHAT making up The Carrington’s service-rich lifestyle of warmth and familiarity. Marv is a career manufacturer’s sales representative in the giftware industry and still works part-time out of his residence at The Carrington. He and Sandy married seven years ago and collectively claim eight children, 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Meet resident Marv!
Why The Carrington?
A three-story townhouse in Evanston was home for 35 years until the stairs became problematic, Marv claims. He tells of visiting other communities—one in downtown Evanston; one in Des Plaines near his son; and several others. “The kids found this place, so we came over during a visit, looked at it and loved it,” says Marv. None of the other communities struck Marv and Sandy as positively as The Carrington.
“I can think of so many things that influenced our decision to move to The Carrington,” says Marv. “It’s a beautiful community—lovely décor, paintings on the walls, beautiful carpeting. When it comes to the quality and quantity of equipment and resources, the fitness center here is the envy of my friends who are health club members. I happen to be a swimmer and I love the pool—90 degrees, warm, comfortable and great aqua exercise classes. A wonderful schedule of classes, lectures and entertainment—not to mention Happy Hour with entertainment, beverages and snacks at 4pm every Wednesday adds to this special lifestyle. And, finally, I moved to The Carrington for indoor, heated parking, and my car thanks me constantly for the wonderful treatment I’m giving it!”
And what about the people? “Besides the amenities and perks, another wonderful aspect of The Carrington is that some very nice, good, long-time friends are here,” says Marv. “Coincidentally, some of the people I knew from high school. I was friendly with one gentlemen in high school on Chicago’s North Side. Another was a fellow employee and we worked in a sales organization together. It was nice to find them here and catch up—re-establishing friendships. When we go down for dinners in the wonderful dining room, Sandy and I sit at a table with other people, taking the chance to visit and make new friends. We were always friendly with a small group of neighbors and friends in Evanston but nothing to the extent that we experience here.”
COVID Life & Times With Marv
“I cannot talk about the people at The Carrington without mentioning the staff,” says Marv. “Experienced. Professional. Charming. Delightful. Like no other time was the staff put to task than during this year’s COVID-19 pandemic.”
Marv chooses two words in particular—communication and attentiveness—to characterize the service The Carrington residents receive during these COVID days. “We’re definitely kept up-to-date on anything and everything that’s taking place,” he says. “Residents receive daily bulletins taped to their door overnight, so when we first open our doors in the morning, information on new pandemic developments and community news and regulations is right there for us. They also broadcast community news via the in-house TV channel.
“I don’t know how much more caring can take place,” says Marv. “The services are never-ending—to the MAX!” Pleased with the attention poured on all residents during the pandemic era and the peace of mind he feels knowing that on-site care is available at all times, Marv continues to tout the staff at The Carrington and how wellness is their focus. He’s impressed that a nurse comes to his door twice a week to check temperatures and oxygen levels for him and Sandy. Residents get a weekly menu and circle the food they want for three meals each day. There are two choices per meal, which is then dropped off at each door three times a day.
“We’re on the 4th floor, so we have a wonderful view southbound of Lincolnwood and of Chicago off in the distance. And there’s a very lovely pond that The Carrington created—so, in the spring, we saw ducks, geese and little ducklings swimming around in there. We’re encouraged to walk around outside, now—a nice walkway surrounds the community. So, Sandy and I have been out walking around and sitting on the benches. We all stay six feet apart from each other and everyone is wearing a mask.”
Take It From Marv . . .
“. . . The Carrington offers a very happy, healthy, secure lifestyle. They cater to our physical needs, our mental needs, our entertainment needs, and our need to spend time with friends. Sandy and I are extremely happy and satisfied—and I’m not even getting paid to say this!”
We hope to soon have the opportunity to show you around The Carrington and even introduce you to Marv. In the meantime, experience The Carrington virtually on our website and check out our Facebook page. You can also make arrangements for a tour by calling us at (847) 744-9469 or by completing the online form.